Thursday, 21 October 2010

Film Poster

Our initial idea for the poster was to have two separate images of the two protagonists and then linking them together by a computer meaning they will be an image of the protagonist Arthur in his bedroom showing his is on his computer and then on the other side an image of Jenny on her computer but in her room showing she is working on the computer two and the two images will come together to give the impression that they are both talking to eachotherl but in separate rooms. and as for the titles such as the actors names and directors etc we thought of using some keys you would find on a keyboard but replace all the letters with the title as shown on the image. Again no colour has been added yet and is a really rough draft of what we want it to look like .

Magazine front cover

at the moment its without colour... BUT soon will have some! it is only a snap shot of how i think it will look ( please ignore horrific drawing the real picture will be better :) )

Cast, Costumes, Locations,Props etc

By doing this document we were able to plan every detail for our short film rom com carefully and efficiently.

my story board

with the story board we have only drawn some of the scenes that will take place due to some scenes such as the achual date that the two protagonists go on is in montage form and so will vary with different clips we have drawn some just to give you an idea.