How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages.
Panasonic video Camera HDD: We used these cameras that were available at school to record our film at a reasonable quality, which made our film look more professional. We were also able to get some still images of our film which were used in our ancilarry tasks to give the audience an idea of what the film included. Also in the evaluation stages in order to bring more variety to how we evaluated our short film we used the video cameras to video various audience members in order to gain their feedback and to film ourselves answering evaluation question two.
iMovie editing software: This software was available at school and allowed us to edit the whole film such as putting the clips in the correct order editing certain parts of the clips in order to take out any unprofesional shots. Also we were able to upload music tracks to the software and fit it to the clips at correct points making our film more professional. Imovie allowed us to add the "glowy" effect to our film at the montage section where we express passing of time, various transitions to show more variety and ending credits and introduction of the film title. All these elements were very important that they were included in the film inorder to represent a short film. Also at the planning stages we used imovie to create a animatic to show a rough structure of the narrative. And in the evaluation stage again we used imovie to add the comentary to the film in order to complete evaluation question number one and edit the video footage taken to answer question two and three in order again to make the question look more professional.
Bloger: This website played a big part in our film planning and evaluation. We used blogger to document all our planning and unabled us to keep a track of what still needs doing and we found this a great way to present our planning it also allowed us to express any problems we came across and found this very usefull. Also we were able to upload all our ancillary tasks which then allowed people to view them and give us some feebback and any tips as to how to impove them. This then showed the progression and development of our products from how we initially started and how the finish product ended up looking.
Photoshop: was used only in the ancilary tasks to construct the film poster,front cover magazine and review page, and made the products look as professional as possible and as reprensentational of real print products. A website that was used in order to use proffesional fonts to match the print products and again make them look more professional and as realistic as possible to real front covers review pages and film posters.
Cyberlink power 9: This software was used to edit our music that we recorded specifically for our short film. To record the song we used various music recording equiptment such as microphones, headphones, syntheisers and the cyberlink software.